Pinoy Bisnes Ideas


Accounting Software for Non-Profit Organizations

Non-Profit organizations are formed and run to fulfill some kind social welfare program. This could involve an educational, charitable, religious, scientific or environmental purpose. The motive is not to earn profit but to make a positive impact on the larger society. Although profit generation is not the primary function, Non-Profits...


Send Perfect Mother’s Day Gifts to Your Mom in Mumbai

Gift selection and buying is a tricky task but it gives lots of pleasure to your loved one when you surprise them with a lovely gift on some special day. A mother is a special person in every person’s life who gives you lots of care and support and always...


Importance of Water for Healthy Life since Pre-Historic Times

Life on Earth started in water and developed from it. You have individual involvement with this reliance each time you look for water liquids to extinguish your thirst and recharge your body’s water content. The cells inside your body are encompassed by a liquid that is generally water and your...

make employees happy

How to Make Employees Happy

Happy employees are more productive – they work harder, produce better results, and consistently exceed expectations. To cement the point further, one study shows that happy employees are 20% more productive than unhappy ones while another reveals that sales professionals can boost sales by as much as 37%. As such,...


Metro Retail Stores Group opens its 54th store

Continuing its expansion in the Visayas, Cebu retailer, Metro Retail Stores Group, Inc. (MRSGI) recently opened the Metro Supermarket and Department Store at Ayala Capitol Central in Bacolod City. Metro Ayala Capitol Supermarket and Department Store, MRSGI’s 54th store, strengthens its presence in the region and underscores its commitment to...


8 Effective Ways To Get Your Marketing Emails Opened

We all now receive so many emails that separating the interesting, relevant ones from everything else is a challenge in itself. When using email marketing, here are some techniques that really entice subscribers to open your mails: Update your mailing list  This is an obvious place to start, but make...

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