Food Cart as low as P21,888

FILTREPRENEUR (Filipino Entrepreneur) FRANCHISE, INC. was establish to promote and develop Filipino Entrepreneurship due to strong consumers patronage and aggressive network of marketeers, the number of Franchises has increased significantly from when FFI first started, and with the continuous support of a loyal and growing consumer base throughout the country, their company will keep growing and improving with the ever increasing market demand through a comprehensive and systematic program both for the Franchisee and the consumers. FFI will continue to expand their franchise network true to their commitment of providing Filipinos with the best quality food products. It is in this spirit that they extend their invitation to you to be part of this commitment and growth.

Some of their Products are:

1. Red Bowl

2. Pizza Pinoy

3. Happy Waffle

4. Burgeroo

5. Jack’s

6. Pinoy Pao

7. O’noodle

8. I love Sysig

9. Patatas Pries


NO. 53-B Annapolis Street Greenhills, San Juan (beside National Bookstore)
Tel No. 401-98-83, 496-61-50, 455-54-46
Telefax No. (632) 723-35-16
Look for Ms. Grace Yap
Cellphone No.(0920) 927-7452

Note: is not, in any way, related or affiliated to the business franchise listed in this post. The sole purpose of is to share information about franchising & business opportunities in the Philippines.

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  1. Im interested in franchising what is my first step ? Do i need to attend seminar ? Your office?

  2. Any info about SIOMAI HOUSE franchise? I am interested about the full details of it. Pls let me know. Thanks.

  3. I would like to know more about your zagu pushcart business.Please give more details about it. thanks

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