Fisherman, Researcher, Friend: One Man’s Selfless Commitment to Marine Science

GMGI is a non-profit catalyzing the economy of the struggling fishing community by addressing critical challenges facing our oceans, human health and the environment through innovative scientific research and education. Tom has been a regular visitor to GMGI, bringing rare “gifts” from his boat, such as blue and calico lobsters, to support critical research studies. His visits are testament to the goodwill felt by Gloucester’s fishing community towards GMGI; the community is a strong supporter of the work to understand the oceans, organism diversity and the make-up of specific fish populations. There is a collective recognition of the important research role GMGI plays to promote sustainable fisheries and potentially help fishery regulators in their conservation management efforts.

Research at Sea

In 2024, working with Research Scientist Matt Harke, Tom made his most significant contribution to GMGI. He transformed his boat, the F/V Karoline Marie—named after his eldest daughter—into a mobile research vessel, enabling scientists to conduct real-time research at sea. For GMGI, an early-stage nonprofit without its own research vessel, Tom’s generosity was nothing short of transformative and another tangible symbol of support and engagement from the fishing community.

Today, Tom is more involved than ever with GMGI. As part of a long-term study to document biodiversity, every three months, he transports researchers to the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, situated off the coast of Massachusetts. The sanctuary is a living laboratory, rich in biodiversity, where scientists study everything from plankton to water chemistry. Tom’s role is critical: using his intimate knowledge of the region, he navigates the Karoline Marie to various research “stations,” where he works alongside the researchers to collect water and sediment samples. His boat, once a fishing vessel, is now equipped with GMGI’s sophisticated lab gear to support on-board sample processing, and it’s been officially rebranded from F/V (Fishing Vessel) to R/V (Research Vessel).

Fisherman and Research Assistant

During these missions, Tom operates the boat’s lobster trap hauler on the starboard side to deploy a sediment grabber. He works with the researchers to deploy a Niskin bottle, a mechanism designed to collect water samples to measure pigments, nutrients, plankton, environmental DNA, etc, but has also been modified to capture video footage of life at the bottom of the sea. While that’s happening, another researcher is measuring salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen of the water at the surface and at the bottom. When the work is complete at one station, Tom steers the vessel to the next station on the list, while researchers filter their samples onboard, continuing their work seamlessly.

Tom embraces the opportunity to work with GMGI. “Gloucester is fortunate to have this innovative organization located here. Their mission is compelling, and I am always learning something new from the researchers. The work they do is game-changing when it comes to the health of our ocean and its fisheries. As a local fisherman, GMGI is playing a key role in providing my community with knowledge that will inevitably inform our maritime decisions.”

With his generosity and commitment to marine science, Tom Hill is making a lasting impact on both the scientific community and the future of ocean research.

About Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute (GMGI)

Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute addresses critical challenges facing our oceans, human health, and the environment through innovative scientific research and education. By bringing world-class science and transformative workforce development to Gloucester, MA’s historic waterfront, GMGI is catalyzing the regional economy. GMGI also runs the Gloucester Biotechnology Academy, a 10-month certificate training program to train recent high school graduates for careers as lab technicians. GMGI’s state-of-the-art research institute on Gloucester Harbor opened in 2018 and is located at 417 Main Street.

Contact: Ashley Destino 
Email: [email protected]

SOURCE Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute


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