SEO Expert Tips from a Portland SEO Company

When it comes to SEO, there are numerous people who claim there are experts, and yet they still plummet on the “market” of the SEO. The main reason is they don’t use any form of checking (like a planner) to get their work done properly, and ensure that SEO is completely achieved.

Just like a person who is creating a recipe, they have to make a list of everything that they need to prepare for in order to create the perfect dish. This same principle is necessary for good SEO practices, and while it doesn’t give you 100% protection, it helps to ensure that your site, page, or blog post can rank high in search engines like Google. Here are some tips for a good basic checklist provided by Golden Gate SEO – Portland SEO Expert.

  1. Choose the Right Keywords
    When it comes to picking the right key words, you need to know what you want people to search for to see your content be ranked high on Google searches.
  2. See Who Else is on Your Keyword (or words) Market
    Know who your competitors are. Research why the top searches (if it isn’t you) result in these companies, and look at their pages. Try to reflect some competition by keyword insertion into your content as well.
  3. Write Pure Quality Content
    It doesn’t matter what you’re writing about. If people don’t like it, then why would they (or Google) even regard it if you don’t make it interesting?
  4. Put Keywords in the Title Tags
    But seriously, this is very crucial. It doesn’t have to be identical, but having most of your keyword in your page title tag is important.
  5. Use Keywords Properly in Section Headers
    If you’re wanting your page to show up for a keyword, use it in the subject header in a section of your post, or your page’s content. This is crucial, because although search engines don’t count “bold” keywords, they do count headers.
  6. Throw the Keyword into an alt tag (of an image link)
    Don’t be afraid to use a keyword in an alt tag of your images of the site. If you’re wanting the keyword to be your page or business name, use the alt tag properly (i.e. – Image for company logo = alt tag should have company name in it).
  7. Use the Keyword in the Website Address, or the Blog Post
    You’re looking to increase traffic to a post or your site, so why wouldn’t you want to include this? Rather than using a numbered page, use the title or keyword of the page that the post or page is about.
  8. Use Links Internally
    Your best content and keywords should link to internal relatable pages on your site. If you have a resume, and have a resume page, use internal links that link back to other pages where your most important and relevant content is.
  9. Generate or Obtain External Links to Your Site or Page
    External links are one of the MOST important. Google looks at external links to find out just how good your website is, and how much it is publicized. Use networking strategies with other pages (banners, mentions, links to your website, etc.) in order to produce external links to your website. Even better? Have them use keywords AND back links. Thanks to Social Media however, you can get your page to the top and reach out to tons of people by utilizing social media platforms, users, and even past clients you’ve worked for. You can also obtain external links from past “clients” or affiliate partners.

One comment

  1. Consistent monitoring and adjustment of SEO strategies are crucial for maintaining high rankings. How often do they review and adjust their SEO strategies based on performance data?

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