We have all heard stories about camping experiences, both good and bad. And if you have never been camping before, it is a good chance that you would like to create similar memories with your loved ones. We have come up with a few useful tips to help you organise your trip.

Plan ahead
The biggest mistake you can make as a beginner camper is to simply “go with the flow.” Do not get me wrong, when you gain more experience, you will be able to organize camping trips that are a bit more impromptu. But for the time being, make sure that you make detailed plans about where you will go, what you will take, what you will eat and do once you get there. The first time is always the toughest, because we, as a society, are not so well adept at being off the grid for long periods of time. It is essential that you know where you are going, and do your research on the surrounding area. If you are thinking of going to a campsite, and not somewhere in the wild, you should definitely read up on the campsite rules and etiquette. Some campsites are not pet-friendly, or do not tolerate open flames, and this will determine whether that campsite is suitable for you.
Purchase adequate equipment

Since you are a first-timer, you probably have done some prior research on what tools you will need for your stay. My recommendation is that you skip all the fancy gadgets that may be so tempting, but focus rather on the essentials. Later on, when you gain more insight on what kind of camper you are, you will build up your collection. For now, you just need a good-quality tent (always size up, so that you have enough room), a sleeping bag for everyone, something to lie on, like an air mattress or floor pad, enough clothes, food and water, a first-aid kit, a knife (make that a couple), and something to cook your food in, be it a BBQ, electric skillet or simply enough fire wood and coal to last you during your stay.
Know the surrounding area
Besides getting to know the rules of the campsite, or finding a suitable spot for your tent, if you are staying in the wilderness, make sure that you have a map of the surrounding area, and download any digital maps and driving directions on your cell phone. It’s also a good idea to have a map and compass as a backup method of navigation. Always memorize the location of petrol stations, shops, and emergency centres in respect to where you are camping.

Besides planning out the trip, you should also plan out your meals. That way you will know exactly what you need to bring. Depending on your stay, you will probably need a cooler or mini-fridge, so that everything maintains a safe temperature. We suggest that you prepare fresh meat as soon as possible, since cooked meat will keep longer and can be reheated. Pack enough snacks, to keep you full along your walks and expeditions. You better pack a sharp compact switch blade knife, since you will be using it quite a bit.
Have a practice camping session
If you have never been camping before, it may be a good idea to have a practice camp session in your back yard, or at least in the park nearby. That way you will know if you thought of everything beforehand, and with minor consequences. If you realize that you forgot something, you can easily go home and get it. And this gives you the chance to test out your equipment, you do not want to show up at the site and realize you have no idea how to operate something that looked so easy at home. Also, you can practice putting up your tent, and you will see how long it takes you.. At the end of the day, you will establish just how comfortable you are with camping, and you can go on from there.
Arrive early

You do not want to arrive late at the campsite, trust me. Imagine having to quickly prepare a meal and set up a tent, as it is getting dark outside, all the while having to listen to nervous friends or family whine about who knows what. Or even worse, many campsites are first- come, first-served, so you do not want to be looking for empty slots in the dark, if there are any.
Have fun

Even though there is a lot to think about, and you have to be very self-reliant, at the end of the day, camping is supposed to be a fun, relaxing experience for you and your family. Make your first camping trip relatively short, so you do not have to stress about too many things at once. Camping is a great way to escape the stress of daily life, and reconnect with yourself and nature. Do not waste this precious time by stressing over some minor inconvenience, because, trust me, there will be plenty of those in the beginning.
Camping is the most fun experience you can have with your family, but only if you plan it right. Remember to pack enough clothes, food and water for your first camping trip, and get to know your surroundings.